Philosophy of life, sikh, sikhi, sikhism

Friday, April 07, 2006

NOTICE - School for Girls in Punjab Village

Dear Sikhe readers, Gur Fateh!

We are a typical Punjabi family stretched over 3 continents, USA, UK and Punjab. We want to start a one-classroom school for girls (1st - 3rd grade-ish) on our village land in Punjab. We have discussed it between family members and will be creating a trust and the property will be in the trust. We know NOTHING about starting a school.

This project has many parts to it obviously. One being that it will be used by our daughter as part of her senior school project. So, we are heading to India this summer to get the construction started. My daughter's school wants us to do this project within a NPO's guidance.

So, my question to you all is, do you know of any NPO who can "bless" this project? And you thought I was going to ask for money. On that subject, we are spending our own money. Although we are not rich, we want to do this ourselves and that is why we have it pared down to a one classroom school.

Our goal is to provide basic education: English, Science, Punjabi, and Computers. We see young girls as the medium through which we can bring about a real change in the current state of affairs.

Please do not suggest UnitedSikhs because I am already speaking with them and they seem hesitant, or too busy, to take part.

Posted: Apr 02, 2006 - 01:30 PM

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